Newsletter archive
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 47
- Improvements to Duplicate Annihilator.
- AI in Photos Finder.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 46
- Duplicate Annihilator for Photos v9
- AI Classroom.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 45
- GPTEverything.
- AI coming to Duplicate Annihilator and Photos Finder.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 44
- Introducing Photos Clicker.
- Improvements to Photos Finder.
- Photos and People
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 43
- Introducing Photos Finder.
- macOS 13 Ventura feature "Copy Subject" explained.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 42
- Photos 8 – how to set up a shared library
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 41
- New features in Photos 8
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 40
- Duplicate Annihilator for Photos v8 released
- How to search, filter, suggest and “facet” your search in Photos.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 39
- How to work with People/faces?
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 38
- Metadata, what is it and how do I use and edit it?
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 37
- Introducing Duplicate Annihilator 7.5.0 including fix for iCloud and missing files.
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 36
- Introducing Duplicate Annihilator v7 including copy metadata from duplicates to originals.
- Smart albums for missing people no longer working
- Photos 7 and Live Text
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 35
- Preserve folder and album structure as keywords
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 34
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 33
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 32
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 31
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 30
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 29
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 28
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 27
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 26
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 25
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 24
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 23
- Working with Duplicate Annihilator for Photos – part 3
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 22
- Working with Duplicate Annihilator for Photos – part 2
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 21
- macOS 10.5 Catalina, Photos 5 and Duplicate Annihilator v4
- Working with Duplicate Annihilator for Photos – part 1
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 20
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 19
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 18
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 17
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 16
- Duplicate Annihilator – HEIC format support
- What is HEIC?
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 15
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 14
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 13
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 12
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 11
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 10
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 9
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 8
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 7
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 6
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 5
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 4
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 3
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 2
State of Duplicate Annihilator – part 1
Dear friend,
My name is Anders and I’m the CEO of Brattoo Propaganda Software. I hope that you have had a great summer and are ready for some new tips and tricks. In my last email I wrote about backups and protection of valuable data and about various threats. It was not really related to Apple Photos as my emails usually are but it is equally important. Hopefully you are now backing up your data in a safe place. I have received some requests about the opposite to backup, deleting photos, so I’ll tell you a bit about that but also about the upcoming major upgrade of macOS 10.13 High Sierra that comes this autumn.
This newsletter and previous letters
Several of our readers have requested that we resend previous emails so that they could catch up on earlier tips and information. All previous emails are available online in our Newsletter section at
The free apps section
As I have mentioned in previous letters we have received requests on how to automate some tasks in Apple Photos or tasks related to photos. Those tasks might be tedious to work out manually but are easy for us to solve. The apps include a tool to set the Photos Titles based on filename (with or without file extension), a tool to copy and apply GPS coordinates between photos and finally a utility to set the correct file dates on image files based on the photo date stored in the metadata within the image files. You’ll find all our free apps at
Deleting photos in Photos
You might have noticed that when you delete a photo in Apple Photos the photo disappear but the available disk space is not increased. When you delete a photo in Apple Photos either by the key combination Command+Backspace or by the menu option File->delete the image is moved to the Recently Deleted Photos album which can be found in the left sidebar. Photos in The Recently Deleted Photos album will automatically be deleted after 30 days but you can also select them and delete them directly from the album. If you delete them from the Recently Deleted Photos album they will also be deleted from your iCloud library and you will not be able to recover them.
Deleting photos in Albums
This is something I get a lot of questions about. When you copy a photo to an Album it is not duplicated. Albums only contain references to your photos that are located in the Photos album and All Photos album. This means that if you delete a photo individually in an album it will not be deleted from your library. But, if you delete a photo from the Photos album or All Photos album all occurrences of that photo in other albums will also be deleted. Yes, it can be confusing.
Well, this it not completely true. You can delete a photo from an Album and at the same time delete it from your library. To do so simply select the photo you want to delete and delete it with the Command+Backspace key combination. This also works with Smart Albums.
High Sierra
Apple is about to release their next version of macOS, 10.13 High Sierra. With this comes an upgraded version of Apple Photos and I’m happy to say that Duplicate Annihilator is fully compatible will all beta versions of the the Apple Photos released so far to developers. We are monitoring this closely and will of course conduct a full compatibility test as soon as the full version of macOS High Sierra is released.
A follow up on backups
In my last email I told you about backups and the recommended CrashPlan from Code42. Since my last email, Code42 has decided to focus on business and drop the consumer market so, CrashPlan is not really an option any more. Very unfortunate. I still recommend cloud backup due to all the reasons mentioned in my previous email. Here are two good alternatives to CrashPlan: and If you ave thoughts or questions about this then let me know, simply by replying to this email.
Finally I would just like to tell you that our upgrade discount for Duplicate Annihilator for Photos is still available. For only $4.95 you can upgrade any old Duplicate Annihilator license to Duplicate Annihilator for Photos and for just one dollar ($1.00) more you can upgrade any old Duplicate Annihilator license to the Duplicate Annihilator Toolbox including a family pack! This means that you get five licenses for you and your family for all versions of Duplicate Annihilator including iPhoto, Aperture, iOS and Photos for only $5.95.
Get the upgrade from:
Thank you for your time, I hope that you found this email informative. I have been thinking about adding screenshots to my emails. What do you think I should do? If you have any feedback, suggestions, questions or ideas then please reply to this email. I read all emails and reply to them in person.
Best Regards,
Anders, CEO and Founder, Brattoo Propaganda Software
Duplicate Annihilator

Duplicate Annihilator is one of the oldest and most competent duplicate detection softwares for photos on the market. It's available for Photos, iPhoto, Aperture and iOS.
Photos Finder

Are your photos scattered everywhere and getting them into one Photos Library might seem like an impossible task. Photos Finder makes this task as simple as the click of a button.
Free software

They say there is no such thing as a free lunch but we have free apps. Built for our customers, based on personal requests and completely free of charge. Bon appétit!

Sometimes everything seems to complex and daunting but everyone needs a little help now and then or at least a nudge in the right direction to get back on track. This is where you find it.
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